Bobwhite Quail, state bird of Tennessee. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Brown Pelican, state bird of Louisiana. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Black-capped Chickadee, state bird of Maine and Massachusetts. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Hermit Thrush, state bird of Vermont. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Greater Roadrunner, state bird of New Mexico. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Mourning Dove, state bird of Wisconsin. Watercolor, pen and ink.
American Goldfinch, state bird of Iowa, New Jersey and Washington. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Northern Cardinal, state bird of North Carolina, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia. Watercolor, pen and ink.
California Quail, state bird of California. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Eastern Bluebird, state bird of Missouri and New York. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Lark Bunting, state bird of Colorado. Watercolor, pen and ink.
American Robin, state bird of Connecticut and Michigan
Wood Duck, state bird of Mississippi. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Nene, state bird of Hawaii. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Purple Finch, state bird of New Hampshire. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Wood Thrush, state bird of DC. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Ring-necked Pheasant. State bird of South Dakota
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. State bird of Oklahoma
Brown Thrasher, state bird of Georgia. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Common Loon, state bird of Minnesota. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Western Meadowlark, state bird of Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon and Wyoming. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Cactus Wren, state bird of Arizona. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Northern Flicker, state bird of Alabama. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Northern Mockingbird, state bird of Arkansas, Florida and Texas. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Baltimore Oriole, state bird of Maryland. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Rhode Island Red. State bird of Rhode Island. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Delaware Blue Hen, state bird of Delaware. Watercolor, pen and ink.
Willow Ptarmigan. State bird of Alaska. Watercolor, pen and ink
Ruffed Grouse. State bird of Pennsylvania